Eliminating Lab-based Water Cycle Chemistry Measurements

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Eliminating Lab-based Water Cycle Chemistry Measurements

The METTLER TOLEDO Thornton 3000CS Analyzer uses sophisticated Microfluidic Capillary Electrophoresis (MCE) technology to provide a convenient, dependable method for trace-level chloride and sulfate monitoring.


The 3000CS Analyzer has been developed specifically for on-line, unattended operation. It runs in a semi-continuous mode, taking a sample every 45 minutes. This allows power plants to monitor chloride and sulfate without having to rely on costly and erron prone sampling using an off-line lab method.

The 3000CS Analyzer also requires far less operator attention and has lower running costs than both Ion chromatography and Inductively Coupled Plasma analyzers, allowing for better cycle chemistry control, even in plants with limited budgets.

Measuring chloride, sulfate and organics in water means high costs for lab equipment and staffing. 

Read full article and download Q&A document: Power Magazine

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