Submerged Aerated Filtration for Wastewater Treatment

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Submerged Aerated Filtration for Wastewater Treatment

Footage of phase one (2000PE) modular installation featuring the WPL Hybrid-SAF™ was installed in just 8.5 hours.

The area has protected groundwater so the Environment Agency stipulated that the new treatment plant had to be installed above ground. The plant will release wastewater treated to the high standard required by the Environment Agency into the Thames Estuary.

Image source: Youtube Print Screen

The modular WPL Hybrid-SAF product range combines submerged aerated filter technology with the latest research to minimising the risk of compliance failures.

Product flexibility makes the the modular plant suitable for a range of applications from sewage to industrial wastewater treatment. The site-specific design ensures energy efficiency and environmental compliance.

The SAF units can operate as an individual treatment plant or be designed to connect in series to form a larger plant, which takes in to account the footprint of each individual site requirements.

The WPL’s SAF plants have a proven track record of over 25 years in utilising submerged aerated filtration for wastewater treatment; compliant with WIMES, specific water utility asset standards, CDM regulations, European norms and directives.

Source: WPL

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