Is Climate Change Real? When it comes to protecting municipal Water systems it doesn't really matter. Man made or fake news made up by the C...

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Is Climate Change Real? When it comes to protecting municipal Water systems it doesn't really matter. Man made or fake news made up by the C...
Is Climate Change Real? When it comes to protecting municipal Water systems it doesn't really matter. Man made or fake news made up by the Chinese. The facts are microbes love heat! If it gets warmer more bacteria and other microbes will grow.  2016 was this the third consecutive year to rank hotter than all previous years. According to NOAA, 16 of the 17 hottest years on record have occurred since 2000. To put this in perspective, the last time we had a record cold year was 1911.  Microbes Love heat. Over time sediment builds up on the interior floors of most water storage tanks. Bacteria, protozoa and viruses can use sediment as a habitat. The sediment provides food and shelter for a wide range of contaminants. Heat excels the growth, for example 90 to 108 °F is the ideal growth range for Legionella. We may not be able to do much to keep 2017 from being the hottest summer ever but we can do something. Keeping our water storage tanks and towers clean allows the treatment chemicals to work effectively. Removing the sediment removes the food and shelter contaminants use to grow and become a threat to public health! CLEAN YOUR TANKS!  FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE WWW.CLEANWATERTANKPROJECT.COM 

